Sunday Gathering

Every Sunday we gather as a family under one roof to be together, take the bread and the cup of communion, study the Scriptures, sing songs of worship and lament, and to seek the Holy Spirit.

More about Gathering


Van City Communities

Van City Communities meet weekly in homes and around dinner tables to share food, life, and learn how to follow Jesus together.

More about Scattering

About Van City

We are a family learning what it means to practice the way of Jesus together in Vancouver.

Gathering Times

5 p.m.

Gathering Place

Vineyard Church
1207 E Reserve St
Vancouver, WA 98661



Vancouver Vineyard Church
1207 E Reserve St
Vancouver, WA 98661

Van City Events

  • Have a story to share?

    Do you have an encouraging story to share about an answer to prayer, a moment with the Holy Spirit during the Sunday gathering or your Van City Community, or about what God is teaching you or doing in your life? We’d love to hear from you.

    Dates: n/a


  • Worship Playlist

    Enjoy a playlist of songs currently in rotation at Van City’s Sunday gatherings.


    Dates: Sundays