Van City Communities meet weekly in homes and around dinner tables every week to share meals, accountability, life, and learn how to follow Jesus together. Want to learn more about Van City and how to get involved? Basics is the first step.

Van City Basics

Basics is a two-part course designed to introduce you to Van City’s doctrine and theological distinctiveness, as well as our particular approach to church and community. If you’re interested in learning what Van City believes or how to become part of Van City, Basics is the first step.

Part one consists of a Sunday classroom session. Part two consists of two weekday evening Community Training sessions (part two is dependent on adequate Basics participation). If at all possible, it is very important to participate in all the scheduled dates.

The next Basics class will be on Sunday, February 23rd, from 2:30 to 4 pm.  Sign up for the weekly to hear any updates about the next Basics class.

Register for Basics