By Levi Warren
Begin with prayer
Gather together as a Community in a comfortable setting. Take a moment in silence, in the presence of Jesus and each other. Have one person read Galatians 5v25-26 over the group and then pray to ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your time together.
Debrief the most recent teaching
- What did you take away from the teaching, and what has God been doing in your life this past week because of it?
Read this overview
The Apostle Paul wrote to both the Ephesian and Colossian churches, telling them that the way they worship could have a huge impact on how they encourage one another to walk faithfully with Jesus. Worship is not merely an inward or upward-focused experience. Yes, our worship is to be given to God alone, but the way we worship also impacts our brothers and sisters around us; it has an outward focus. Through Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, Paul says that we can teach and encourage one another and call each other into a deeper allegiance to King Jesus. Not only that but through worship, we also get to proclaim the Good News to the physical and spiritual worlds around us!
Discuss the following questions and prompts
- Share about a time of corporate worship that has been very meaningful or powerful for you. Why do you think that time impacted you the way it did?
- In what ways have the people around you instructed you or encouraged you during a time of gathered worship?
Talk over this coming week’s Practice:
This week, spend some time worshiping Jesus with a particular focus in mind: preparing yourself for the Sunday Gathering. You could do this time alone, just you and Jesus, or with your family or friends, or even as a Community group. Whatever you decide, find a comfortable setting, free from distractions, and invite the Spirit to speak to you during your time of worship. Then, pick a couple of songs to listen to or sing, directing your love and attention toward Jesus.
A suggestion would be to pick a modern worship song (Goodness of God, Way Maker, What a Beautiful Name, etc.) and an older hymn (Amazing Grace, Be Thou My Vision, How Great Thou Art, etc.). You can listen to a recording, or if you or someone in your group is able, you can play the songs yourself! As you listen and sing, pay attention to the words of the songs and think about how they draw your attention to God’s character and what he has done in your life.
Then, shift your focus to this coming Sunday’s church Gathering. As you do, ask the Spirit if there’s anything he wants to say to you on behalf of your church family or if there’s any specific way he wants you to be an encouragement or witness during the time of corporate worship. Feel free to worship this way multiple times throughout the week in preparation for the Sunday Gathering. Then, come ready and willing for the Spirit to work through you as the church meets together.
Take note of anything that stands out to you during the time of worship at church so that you can share it with your Community the next time you gather.
Close in prayer
End by having someone read this prayer over the group:
Grant us, our merciful Father, that your Divine Spirit may enlighten, inflame, and purify us, and make us fruitful in good works, through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who with you, in unity with the Spirit, lives and reigns as one God, forever and ever. Amen.