Fighting the World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Writers in the Spiritual Formation tradition often reference the three great enemies of the soul: The World, the Flesh, and Devil. These great opponents of faith have been largely forgotten by the modern world, dismissed as myths from an era of antiquated thinking. And yet, discipleship to Jesus is still carried out in a war zone. To follow Jesus, we must learn to fight well.
1. Father of Lies John 8v31-45
2. Father of Lies (Part II) John 8v44-45, Genesis 3v1-15
3. Interdimensional Evil [Various]
4. The Devil and Culture Galatians 4v1-9, Ephesians 6v10-14
5. God of Evil [Various]
6. Sawing Down the Serpent Tree Ephesians 4v17-28
7. (Do Not) Do What You Want Ephesians 2v1-5, Galatians 5v13-25
8. (Do Not) Do What You Want, Pt. II Galatians 6v1-9
9. Goodbye, Cruel World! John 2v15-17
10. Everyone is going to have to die. Matthew 16v21-27
11. Spiritual Warfare Q&A, Part 1
12. Spiritual Warfare Q&A, Part 2