Missional Community Primer
The purpose of this primer is to help you establish your missional community well. Becoming a thriving missional community is not easy. It takes a lot of work. But with hard work comes the knowledge that you have a family supporting you, becoming more like Jesus with you, and sharing the good news of Jesus alongside you. We want to walk you through the first several weeks of your new missional community. Each week you will watch a video from our friends at Soma, one of the leading advocates for missional communities in the nation.
Missional Community Primer Submit Blueprint
Additional Reading
In addition to the primer, we want to encourage you to read Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life by Jeff Vanderstelt. This book frames what life looks like in a missional community. This reading is required for all leaders.
Week One
Within missional communities, our goal is to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. In order to succeed at that, the question becomes – what is a disciple and how do we grow as disciples?
Week Two
Missional communities can be primary vehicles to make and grow disciples. How might we maximize the environment of our missional communities so we might see the greatest discipleship possible?
Week Three
The Gospel of Jesus must be at the center of our missional community. We want to grow as a family of disciples on the mission of Jesus. Our foundation for that growth is the Gospel.
Week Four
What we believe dictates what we do. If we want to live as disciples of Jesus on the mission of God then we must live saturated by the Gospel as individuals and in community.
Week Five
We do not want missional community to be a program, we want it to be an everyday effort of Jesus’ disciples living on mission and in family. How do we transform our everyday lives to work towards this goal?
Week Six
God has given us 24 hours in a day. How can we use our rescues and our time every day to make sure the Gospel of Jesus is moving forward in everything we do?
Week Seven
The Holy Spirit is alive and well, active in every aspect of our lives. As a missional community, we should constantly be encouraging one another to greater relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Week Eight
In Acts 2, they proclaim the work of God in words everyone can understand. In the same way, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we must speak about Jesus with boldness and clarity.
Week Nine
In order to be the family of God, on the mission of God, making disciples of Jesus, you’re going to have to create a rhythm of gathering together. What does this look like? How structured is it? How frequently will you gather?
These videos are created by Soma. Used by Permission. ©2014 Soma.